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Vintage Inspired Style: Annie Hall "Tomboy" Style

I'll admit I've never seen Woody Allen's "Annie Hall" but I am so familiar (and in love) with Diane Keaton's trouser/vest/tie combo she wears in the film. I love Menswear and since dating my fella who loves fashion in his own right, I've definitely changed up my wardrobe adding chambray shirts, trousers, grandpa cardigans...and introducing colors other than peach, pink, and cream into my closet.

Vintage Inspired Style: Annie Hall

I love how classic all of these vintage inspired outfits are. Menswear is timeless to me. Have you ever noticed that men's fashion really hasn't changed much at all in the past 100 years? Of course there are trends and fads, but for the most part, menswear is just classic and timeless. You can invest in a few quality pieces that you can wear into your olden days.

Photos from Pinterest.

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