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How to bluff your way as a concert-goer: Lesson 1

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)

29 April

By way, first of all, of credentials - we will be naughty, and skip the learning outcomes* - let me say this:

I consider it sufficient basis on which to offer this bluffer's guide that, when shamelessly seeking an autograph from a both attractive and highly skilled singer last night, I should be told not only that I had been noticed in the audience (why wouldn't I be!), but also that my engagement with following the performance gave rise to the assumption) that I knew the repertoire (when I had never heard it before)

You justly retort (quoting God knows whom) Self-praise is no recommendation

To be continued


* Not necessarily an indication that there is nothing to be learnt - or, at any rate, no hope of learning it...

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