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Baba Ramdev wishes for all Hindus and Muslims to back and support Lord Ram......the Angry Ram

Jake Glass
   Animal Stories
   The Angry Ram is a pissed off animal these days long being devalued on YouTube and he is not able to make the same living form his videos as he was accustomed to earning in months past as his videos have been tagged, the rammer banned, and the poor animal continually harassed by his owner.
Baba Ramdev is a Hindu rockstar, a snake charmer and snake oilman in India other and recently  he wrote a piece about both Hindus and Muslims dropping their grievances and differences and uniting behind as he claims both groups in India are descended form the Angry Ram. Ramdev has created an amazing marketing niche for himself as an economic genius and getting Hindus to buy his goats milk and jack off cream and hand soap  made from Monkey juice
Baba wishes for a Ram temple to be constructed in rural backwards Ayodhya where both Muslims,Hindus, and Sikhs can come together and worship his hinest the lord Ram animal spirit of the unknown. Baba wishes for more constructions of temples dedicated to the Angry Ram of YouTube stardom and the expression of love for this animal to be shown at all times by the people of India. The Angry Ram is one of the most intelligent.powerful,mean, and spirited creatures of all time and it is bout time the animists, atheists, and pork haters acknowledge this and get together right now for a feast.

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