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Where To Go in Baguio: Bencab Museum

Last October 11-14, 2018, we went to Baguio City for a 4d3n trip. If you've been following my blog, you might notice that I have this yearly trip to Baguio ever since 2016. The reason I do this is because I miss the cold weather, food and just the laid back life in Baguio. I also go back to Baguio in different months just because I want to experience different weather here. 

It's been my 2nd time here and at first, I was a bit hesitant to ask the drivers to take us to Bencab Museum since it's a bit far from the city. During my first time here, I was with my friend and his boyfriend who is from Baguio. So no worries during that time. Reading from the past blogs, I heard that the drivers may easily turn you down when asked to be dropped at Bencab since it's far from the city. So I was kind of hesitant to ask them to take us there but it was surprisingly so easy. (Maybe because it's a Saturday when we went here plus there also lots of tourists from Bencab Museum that hails taxi drivers going back to the city). 
Bencab Musuem is a home for the art collections the Philippine National Artist, Mr. Benedicto Cabrera. His 4-level building museum exhibits lots of artworks from Mr. Bencab himself and other contemporary artists too.

It took us 20-30 minutes going to Bencab Museum from the city since it's located at Asin Road which is a bit far from the city. 

Since we had more in Baguio, I finally got a chance to enjoy the place better compared to when I first went here in 2016. 
Here are some of my snaps:

The outdoor area:
Also, got a chance to have a selfie with Mr. Ben Cabrera himself!!! Yay!

Really had a great time exploring and appreciating art at Bencab Musuem! 
Bencab Musuem 
Located at: Km. 6 Asin Road, Tadiagan, Tuba, Benguet, Philippines 


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