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To Dior or not to Dior, that is the question.....

While researching for another post I came across this image and thought that it looked very familiar -
Image via Live Auctioneer

This is an Yves Saint Laurent for Dior 1958 cocktail dress. 
It was listed as having perspiration stains, fabric splitting and, brooch pin marks.
It sold last month through KerryTaylor auctions for £3,400.
(That's €4230!)

If this dress tickles your sartorial taste buds then get a load of this! -

 This original 1950's cocktail dress, by Abe Schrader, is in Dirty Fabulous right now for the rather more affordable €310

Or perhaps this ravishing emerald satin version?
Also an original 1950's cocktail gown €310
Bust 37"
Waist 34"
An absolute stunner!

If either of these dresses are what's missing from your life then give us a shout and book a decadent hour of vintage shopping at Dirty Fabulous HQ!
01 6111842

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