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This just can't be summer love...

I'm high on summer right now.

As all us Brits know, the weather is absolutely glorious and sunshine always makes everyone happier. I'm possibly the happiest I've been in a while and there are many reasons why.

At the moment I am interning, doing something I adore and waking up every morning looking forward to going to work. I'm commuting 2 hours each day and working for another 8 and I couldn't enjoy it more. I only have 2 and a half weeks left and I'm going to be so sad to leave, but feel so lucky to have spent some of my summer doing something I love at a company who are ever so kind to me.

One of my dreams of seeing Justin Timerlake perform live has come true, and I still feel like I'm in a dream-like state, after attending Wireless last Friday. He sang, performed and made my heart melt. I haven't ever thought about having favourite singers before, but if I had to choose it would always be JT. Justin Timberlake & Jay-Z owning Suit and Tie will be something I hope to never, ever forget.

(I didn't take pictures or videos, but Youtube is good for that)