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Questions and Answers #2

You seemed to enjoy the last Q&A post I did so I thought I'd continue this mini series and answer some more of your questions! As usual if you have any more questions about anything then leave them in the comments, they don't have to be about beauty!

Question from Kaitlin: What product couldn't you live without and why?

I definitely couldn't live without my Nivea Hydro Care Lip Balm because having dry lips makes me go crazy! Its my favourite lip balm by far and I always have it close by.

Question from Rae Brooke: Who has been the biggest influence in my life so far, and why have they been so important?

I never have really looked up to anyone or seen anyone as a particularly big influence in my life. I've sat here trying to think of someone but I really can't. Is it bad to say that my parents aren't a big influence in my life? In my eyes anyway, not because they are bad just because really. 

Question from Beth: What is your favourite product for Summer?

Sunscreen with the highest possible SPF. I'd rather have my sunscreen than makeup in the summer. Us pale gingers burn SO easily.

Question from Megan: Would you rather spend £500 on makeup or clothes?

Definitely clothes. My wardrobe needs a major re-vamp before sixth form and I have enough makeup! Despite the fact I could easily spend it on makeup I think clothes would be more useful.

Question from Jessica: What is better cat or dog?

Easy. Cats.

Leave any questions you have below!

Thanks for reading,
Shona x

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