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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to pop online today to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you've had a great week or so with family, friends and anyone else who is near and dear to you. That's what this time of year is about, isn't it?

Once again, I'm sorry for being a bit intermittent on the blog. I feel like that's all been saying to you guys this year but, believe me, I really do mean it. I've had the past week off so I've taken the time to enjoy being with family and catching up with friends that I can't normally because we work at the same time! 

If you've been a part of the Born to Buy family for a while now, you'll know that 2014 was not my best year. Some fantastic things happened and it wasn't all bad, not by a long shot, but I became unwell and it snowballed into three or four sicknesses which was a long and draining process. My point is, I'm not normally one to be excited about the new year but you betcha I kissed 2014 goodbye with a smile last night! 

With all that in mind, I'll be back bigger and better now that 2015 is under way! I still have to photograph the prize for a mammoth upcoming give way (need to recruit a friend for assistance - there's too many prizes) and I have so many new products that I'm excited to share with you all.

How was your Christmas and New Year period? Are you looking forward to 2015? 

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